I am a full-stack developer. I've spent five years developing responsive web applications, microservices and products. Skilled in JavaScript (ES6), React, NodeJS, Angular, MongoDB. Open to relocating.
Building and deploying web apps, pushing to GitHub, and obtaining code recommendations and evaluations from senior developers and coworkers have been the mainstays of my learning. I am passionate about web development for its daily challenges, including generating high-quality code, learning new technologies, performing code reviews, and solving complex problems.
Outside of work, I enjoyed cycling and watching animated series. I'm not currently accepting freelance work, but I'd love to meet for coffee and get to know you, so please don't hesitate to contact me.
ITC Infotech India Limited
Pegasus InfoCorp
3Y Ventures LLP (tag8)
Free Coupons is a platform aimed at addressing the issue of unused coupons offered by various payment apps, food delivery services, and banking apps in India.
Created google tasks clone using Angular.
Chat with speech-to-text (speech-to-text only works in Chrome). For speech-to-text to work hold on the microphone button on the UI & speak.
Pig game is a simple dice game build using JavaScript.
Whack A Mole! game build using JavaScript.
Drum Kit build using JavaScript.
The Voiceinator build using JavaScript.